With the dangers currently unfolding, many people need to remove their visibility for life-saving safety. Victims of day one legislation need to hide. They need to protect their families. (A bill is already in place to bring bounty-hunting-style rewards to those who identify illegal immigrants; Government agencies are receiving emails instructing colleagues to identify those who do not comply with DEI changes, and face consequences for non-compliance or silence.) Organizers of resistance may need to decrease visibility and avoid government detection as this intensely surveilled state settles into place, and as censorship separates us from discourse and truth.​
I always ask myself, what is my role in this fight?
How can I best serve my communities – our humanity – with each new battle? Legislative oppression, inhumane practices, discriminatory social trends, cruelty…the battles come in many forms.
Sometimes my role is to be present, letting others more affected take the mic. My role is to call senators, vote, share information, support organizers…
Sometimes my role is more direct: physically standing up for a stranger on the street, creating art to combat discrimination and disrupt hate, sharing my story, chanting into a megaphone...
And so I ask myself today, what is my role in this fight? Because let’s be clear, EVERYONE has a role here. Everyone is negatively affected by the vice grip of cruelty taking control of our government and the precedent it's setting politically, legally, environmentally, and socially.
What is my role in this fight?
I am an artist.
A performer.
I am to remain visible.

For many, to be most effective in resisting, rebelling, revolutionizing, and rescuing, the move right now is to decrease or remove visibility. That is not my move. I am a childless, non-governable, queer witch who, through radical existence and uncensored existence, will create art under every circumstance. I can afford to do this; I WILL do this. I will remain visible for those who feel alone and isolated, mentally or geographically. I will shout to them with love, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I will, with sacred rage, scream that OUR EXISTENCE IS RADICAL. OUR JOY IS RADICAL. Creating art through this moment is radical, and radical we shall be.

I am to lean on pathos through this movement.
Every channel, every form of resistance is necessary for this fight.
Some will use intellect, academia, and practice of law.
Some will emphatically inspire action through emotional appeal. Some will fight with love, some will fight with rage. Some will uplift, offer rest and relief, and some will force awakening and shake indifference. Every single form of resistance is needed. And refusing to cease your existence is step one.

And do not forget: I dance on sacred land. We ALL exist on sacred land. I stand for humanity, and to fight for humanity, you must also fight for our Earth. These fights are inseparable. They are entwined so deeply. Our attempt to bury this truth and differentiate “us from them” - all beings - is a relentless poison.
To fight for us, you must fight for our planet. Anti-environmental legislation haunting the White House must be resisted just as we resist the inhumane immigration legislation and regressive mindsets on queer existence already destroying human lives.
This dangerous oligarchy wants us to feel powerless, but we are not. As many have said this week, if the situation were hopeless, propaganda wouldn’t be necessary. I cannot go up to the White House today and make legal change, BUT I CAN EXIST. I can be loud with my resistance and point to those who are informing in real time, offering critical information. I can inspire and demonstrate resistance. I can be in connection. I can rebel.
I am an artist.
Through this moment, I will create.
Radically, unconditionally, and fervently, I exist.
-Alyssa Johnson, Founder + Artistic Director